Term Dates
School Holiday Pattern 2024 - 2025
Re-open on Tuesday 2 September 2025
Closure after school on Thursday 23 October 2025
Mid Term Closure Friday 24 October 2025
Monday 3 November inc
Re-open on Tuesday 4 November
Closure after school on Friday 19 December 2025
Re-open on Monday 5 January 2026
Closure after school on Friday 13th January 2026
Mid Term Closure Monday 16 February-
Friday 20 February 2026 (inc)
Re-open on Monday 23 February 2026
Closure after school on Friday 27 March 2026
Re-open on Tuesday 14 April 2026
May Day Closure Monday 4 May 2026
Closure after school on Friday 22 May 2026
Mid Term Closure Monday 25 May 2026 -
Monday 1 June 2026 (inc)
Re-open Tuesday 2 June 2026
Closure after school on Friday 17 July
INSET Dates Monday 1 September 2025
Friday 24 October 2025
Monday 3 November 2025
Monday 13 April 2026
Monday 1 June 2026
There is a concern nationally that children are being taken out of school to go on family holidays in term-time. The Government believes that children's absence from school disrupts learning and undermines educational attainment and achievement. Changes in Government regulations, that you may have heard of in the press, will mean that from 1st September 2013 Headteachers will no longer be able to grant any leave of absence during term-time unless there are specific exceptional circumstances.
Examples of exceptional circumstances which justify approval include:
- members of the armed forces who are returning home from active duties
- emergency services personnel (Police, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue) who are unable to take leave at certain times of the year
- other employees who are prevented from taking family holidays outside term-time, a parent working abroad on a fixed time-period contract
- the death of an immediate family member, e.g. parent, sibling or grandparent
The amendment to the statutory instruments from the DFES on attendance, will impact on parents requesting a child to be absent from school due to a holiday. In the past, I as Headteacher have had the discretion to, in the seven years of schooling, authorize up to 20 days. The new legislation which comes into force from 1st September 2013 forbids me now to do this. Absence will only be granted under exceptional circumstances. Any mention of family holidays has been omitted from the statutory regulations reinforcing that a family holiday is not considered an exceptional circumstance.
Taking a child on holiday without permission will be now be regarded as unauthorised absence. Parents who do so may lose their child’s school place at St Stephen's Tockholes CE Primary School and will be issued with a Penalty Notice by the local authority. From August 2024, the fine for school absences will be £80 per child if paid within 21 days, or £160 if paid within 28 days of receipt of the Notice. Where a Penalty Notice remains unpaid after 28 days, the local authority will normally start legal proceedings in the Magistrates Court. Retrospective approval can no longer be given. In the case of repeated fines, if a parent receives a second fine for the same child within any three-year period, this will be charged a tthe higher rate of £160.
We have no choice but to implement this new legislation. Obviously issuing penalty notices and removing a school place, is something we want to avoid and I hope you will support the school in this matter. We all want to see your children fulfil their potential at St Stephen's Tockholes CE Primary School.
In summary:
- Holidays in term time are no longer allowed by law.
- Applications for leave must be made in writing to the Headteacher before any holiday is booked.
- If a holiday is booked before an application is made, then the absence will be unauthorised, your child may lose their place at the school and a penalty notice may be issued. Please be aware that we have substantial waiting lists for most year groups in school.
- If children are absent without good cause, the Inclusion Officer must now investigate. If children have been found to have been taken on holiday without permission the above will again apply.
If you require further clarification of this, please refer to www.education.gov.uk, choose SCHOOLS and search pupil registration amendment. This letter and the new final policy will be on our school website http://www.tockholesschool.org.uk