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St Stephen's Tockholes CE Primary School

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A Message from our Chair of Governors

Live, love, laugh and learn in the light of Christ









I am very proud to welcome you as Chair of Governors to St Stephen’s Primary School, Tockholes.

This is a happy and productive school with a hardworking and dedicated staff, who fulfil the school’s aim of maintaining high expectations and promoting academic excellence. We are a Christian school, with an ethos based on the teaching of Jesus and a belief in him as the Son of God. This is evident through the high standard of love and care shown by all members of the school community and the children’s excellent behavior.

If you are interested in bringing your child to St. Stephen’s, or simply want to look at what we do, you are most welcome to visit. Simply call the School Office to make an appointment.

I look forward to meeting you at St Stephen’s School.

 Mrs Charlotte Carter  – Chair of Governors


Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

What do we do?

The Governing Body acts as a group. We have a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school.

Our vision for our school was formulated together with the staff, children and community:-

As a small yet unique part of God’s Big family, we will inspire and nurture all to become the very best they can be. Opening up the world, we will celebrate our Father’s (God’s) wondrous, diverse creation. We will all live, love, laugh and learn in the light of Christ 

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ Philippians 4: 13 

We decide:

  • The aims and policies of the school;
  • How the standards of education can be improved;
  • How the school should be run in general terms;
  • How to spend the school budget.


  • Work with the Headteacher and staff to draw up the School Development Plan;
  • Make sure that the National Curriculum and Religious Education are being taught and report on the National Curriculum assessments and examination results;
  • Select the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher;
  • Make sure proper procedures are in place for appointing, promoting, supporting and disciplining staff;
  • Oversee the way the school is managed, including matters relating to buildings.


We are a Voluntary Aided School, which means we have more autonomy in some areas of policy than a board of governors of other types of schools. We differ in that we are responsible for:

  • The Admission Policy of the school;
  • The buildings and their upkeep;
  • Setting the Religious Education and Collective Worship Policy


  • We are the employers of the staff in the school.


We are a corporate body, so individual governors are generally protected from personal liability, provided that we act honestly, reasonably and in good faith.  We have a Constitution which is written up in a legal document called the Instrument of Government. This sets out the number of members in each category of governor and confirms that the school has a Christian foundation.


On 18 March 2016 the School Governance Constitution Regulations 2012 was amended so that all serving governors in maintained schools will be required to have an enhanced criminal records certificate (ECRC). This means that, by 1 September 2016, all serving governors must have an enhanced CRC and, from April 1 2016, governing bodies must have applied for an ECRC within 21 days of the election or appointment of a new governor.

We can confirm that all governors on the Joint Federation Committe for  St Stephen's CE Primary School and Blackburn the Redeemer Primary School have had this completed.


Types of Governors

We have twenty (20) members on our Governing Body.


They have a special responsibility for ensuring that the character of the school as a Church of England Voluntary Aided School is preserved and developed.

·         The Vicars are Ex Officio Foundation Governors (2), by virtue of being an incumbent of the Parish.

·         DBE Foundation Governors (7 & 1 currently vacant): Elected by the Diocesan Board of Education.

·         LA Governor (1 - currently vacant): Appointed by the Local Authority.

·         Parent Governors (2): Elected by the Parents.

·         Headteacher Governor (1): Automatically an Ex Officio governor.

·         Staff Teaching Governor (1): Elected by the staff.

·         Co-opted Governors (2 and 2 vacancies): Elected by the Board of Governors

Governor Profiles 2024-2025

Chair Of Governors

Foundation Governors


Staff (Elected) Governor

Local Authority Governor

Parent (Elected) Governors

Co-opted Governor


Blackburn the Redeemer C of E Primary


St Stephen's CE primary, Tockholes

Our Governing Body Structure and Terms of Office 2024- 2025

Governor Business and Pecuniary interests 2024-2025

Governor areas of Responsibility 2024-2025

Governing Committee Structure

Attendance 2024 - 2025

Attendance 2023 - 2024

Governor Training and Development


 Attain the skills and evidence our knowledge, so we can govern confidently.


Governors are encouraged to attend training courses throughout their term of office.  


 New governors attend a new governor induction session facilitated by Governor Services.


 All governors attend an annual Safeguarding training evening usually in the spring term. 


 Other training is available via Governor Services, The Diocese and on-line.


 Several  training sessions are listed below, new appropriate training sessions are offered regularly.


 The Local Authority and The Diocese also organise conferences, these have a particular theme with informative speakers.


Safer Recruitment
Pupil Premium
Financial Management
SIAMS Framework
OFSTED Framework
Chairs Networking

Safeguarding KCSIE



Biblical Value

Inspiring God’s children to achieve their full potential. We are a small school but big enough to care and inspire all children. We provide a safe Christian environment for all to work and play together.
